We spend our childhood wishing it away. When we are bigger we can ride roller coasters. We can reach the glasses in the cupboard without having to drag a chair over or boost ourselves up on the countertop. We can go shopping on our own. We could sleep alone.
Or, certainly some more important things. Like moving away from the kids section to buy the new trendiest clothes. Allowed to read "The Godfather" without having to sneaking it inside our workbook. Going to college to transform into the ultimate DUDE. Having that 1st PEG of alcoholic beverage. Stay awake as long as we wish listening to LINKING PARK and METALLICA.Watching the 1st X rated video rented from a crappy DVD store.
Growing up has its perks and liberties, not to forget the responsibilities. We get so involved in the process that sometimes we forget the tender and innocent phase of our lives which we left behind. It was such a magical world . So, I have been thinking about the things that I really miss from my childhood I didn't know I would miss so much, and here are the 10 that came at the top of my mind
1] Playing - I still remember how upset I would be if I would sleep late till the evening and miss my cricket match. Of course some days my mom wouldn't allow me to go unless I completed my studies and I would be so angry those days. It felt as if the Sachin Tendulkar was deprived of a legendary innings on my very own LORDS.
2]Having every needs met without asking for it - I never had to worry about the food, sleep, clean bed, clean clothes. Oh what a turnaround it is now. Everyday I think where could I have my next meal or when can I buy the washing machine.
3]The simplicity of communicating - That was the time when if you asked someone "Do you like me??", the only answers could be a straight YES or NO. The only feelings at those times were love or less love. With age we develop the feelings of HATRED, BITTERNESS, LOATH,etc and we develop into complex beings.
4] Learning new stuffs - The day I learnt the BODMAS method in maths, I felt like a maths genius. Not that I was a great student or a great lover of studies, but to learn new things which I thought never was possible really gave me so much joy.
5] Being able to say "I am bored, there is nothing to do." and really mean it and go to sleep
6] The Saturday's when the whole family sat down for a game of LUDO or SCRABBLE
7] The wait for the Friday's which would be my weekly off from studies and I would watch a nice film in our VCR (one of those extinct things which i miss very much. It introduced me to the world of films) or devour the newly issued library book
8] Duck Tales, Tails Spin, Alladin, Little Mermaid, GI Joe, Chacha Choudhury, Tinkle
9] The birthday parties and opening of each gift after that and anticipating the contents by the size of the packet
10] Just being a CHILD
This is not a exhaustive list by any mean but this is what I can think of straightaway. Growing up is a duty and we can't escape it. But, once in a while we all hope and wish we could return to those days.............
P.S. - I had my birthday exactly one month ago and I was asked by one of my friends jokingly, "How old are you??" I am really being honest here. It took me some seconds to calculate and then I could answer his query. Such is life!!!!!!!!!!!!